WebAdMIT™ Enrollment Management in Higher Education
A robust higher education admissions management solution for strategic recruitment and enrollment

Work Strategically to Recruit, Evaluate, Admit and Enroll Best-Fit Students for Your Institution’s Programs

Campuses worldwide use Liaison's WebAdMIT to analyze and report on applicant data more effectively, seamlessly communicate with applicants, and collaborate more efficiently with evaluators to build the best class possible.
You can too.

With WebAdMIT’s management portal you can:
  • Improve time management
  • Optimize your admissions strategies
  • Communicate more effectively
WebAdMIT™ Improves Time Management and Operational Efficiencies

Improve Time Management

WebAdMIT streamlines administrative tasks for everyone involved in the admissions process, improving operational efficiencies and allowing you to focus on strategic priorities.
WebAdMIT™ Optimize Admissions Strategies

Optimize Admissions Strategies

WebAdMIT’s reporting features offer insights that inform and improve program and institutional strategies.
WebAdMIT™ Facilitates Effective Communication with Applicants Real-Time

Communicate More Effectively

WebAdMIT facilitates more effective communication with applicants in real-time throughout the admissions lifecycle.
WebAdMIT™ Forecasting and Preparation for Emerging Enrollment Trends

Forecast and Model Enrollment Trends

WebAdMIT increases transparency, accountability, speed, and accuracy to help you make more strategic decisions and prepare for emerging enrollment trends.


Grow and shape your classes by streamlining your tasks of recruiting, evaluating, admitting and enrollment management in higher education.

WebAdMIT™ Assign Admission Workflows and Track Progress

Assign admissions workflows and track progress

WebAdMIT™ Schedule, Manage, and Score Enrollment Interviews

Schedule, manage, and score interviews

WebAdMIT™ Benchmarks and Compares Enrollment Programs in Higher Ed

Benchmark and compare programs

WebAdMIT™ Forecasts and Models Enrollment Trends in Higher Ed

Forecast and model enrollment trends

WebAdMIT™ Tracks and Manages All Enrollment Communications

Track and manage all communications

Ready to find and retain best-fit students?

Let us show you how Total Enrollment will improve admissions, enrollment and retention on your campus.
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) Logo

WebAdMIT™ Paves a Path to Streamlined, Paperless Admissions Workflows at Pacific Lutheran University

  • Eliminated paper forms used during the application review process
  • Increased time savings through live workflow tracking and eliminated back-and-forth communication about applicant info